What does IPL stand for, and how does it work?
IPL stands for “intense pulsed light.” This light can be used in treating hair follicles that provide growth. With intense pulsed light, Dr. Shirley Olsen can target specific areas of the face and body to treat unwanted hair. The hair follicles are damaged and unable to produce hair. With each treatment, hair in the area can be significantly reduced. Patients find that the results are permanent and enjoy the ability to free themselves from daily grooming or regular waxing.
Who is a good candidate for IPL hair reduction and removal?
It is vital that patients book a consultation appointment with Dr. Shirley Olsen to determine if they are a good candidate for this procedure. Patients with dark hair and light skin are the best candidates for IPL hair removal and reduction. Patients with light or gray hair will not see the same results, which is why it is important for patients to have the procedure performed before their hair turns grey. Dr. Shirley Olsen will evaluate patients to decide if they are a good fit for IPL hair reduction and removal, or if alternative solutions should be discussed.
How many treatments do I need to see results?
For most patients, anywhere from three to five treatments can provide desired results. These appointments are scheduled 4-6 weeks apart as the hair grows in cycles and the laser can only treat hair in the active androgen growth phase.
Learn more about IPL hair reduction and removal with Dr. Shirley Olsen
Call Olsen Aesthetics at 301-235-1747 today to request an appointment with our staff, and speak to a professional about the advantages of using IPL hair reduction and removal on your face or body. With a trained, experienced professional, patients can rest easy knowing they are getting a safe and effective treatment to permanently address unwanted hair.